Well this week has been jam packed crazy!
Friday night (or Saturday morning) at 1 in the morning we all met up at the church and got on a bus to Tuxtla to listen to elder Oaks!!!! I didn't know if I should be more excited to see hermana canalizo and ortega or him.. hehe. But I did get to see all of my friends, and I actually saw elder Johnson too, who has gotten ridiculously tall if I can just mention that. The best was seeing hermana canalizo as she is going home this week!
But what was the best was actually listening to elder oaks!!!! He shook every one of our hands and greeted us personally, it was so cool. He got up and said that he loved what president George said and the whole theme of what everyone said was a lot about how we have to put aside our cultural differences and be good companions and live the culture of the gospel. That we have to teach our investigators and not regaƱarles (scold). He admitted that he didn't have a talk prepared, but he talked a lot about stuff that we should share with investigators. Especially the sacrament. I liked it best when he just told us all that God loved us. I felt happy. :) We drove back to tapachula that same day and I was dying from lack of sleep, but we haven't died yet hehe.
We also found a new family! THEY ARE SO AMAZING! we just met them in the street and it was just a dad and a couple of his kids and we went to the appointment and they weren't there. Usually when that happens we don't go back, but with them, Sunday night we decided we should go back. We did, the dad was there again with another kid that we hadn't met yet and they listened to our message. It killed me because the Dad looks and acts so much like Dad. Has his colored polo with some Bermuda shorts and dark skin and was just some relaxed guy that fell asleep reading the paper when we showed up. He told us that he is having a really tough time because his wife died a year ago and he got a little teary eyed but didn't cry too much and then said that he just wanted a church for his kids. His attitude about church and why we go and everything was just 10000% dad. It was killing me.
It will be exciting to see what happens with these people over email with hermana Ramirez, because tomorrow I'm headed to Tuxtla! I got transferred and will be there with hermana Moreles who I have no idea about. my DL is going to be my new district leader in t=Tuxtla again
Some pics
Hermana Canalizo!!!
The elders had a baptism: Ivett
AMALIA a reference from the ward, she is finally progressing and happily reading the book of mormon and wanting to come to church. Good lady.
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